Thursday, March 02, 2006

Yin Yang

My daughter is a few weeks old now, and I find that her birth has inspired me to do a lot of quiet reflection. Reflection on the past nine months. Then the whole nine month processes culmination into this end-of-the-beginning, which was pretty euphoric for me. It's so euphoric that it helps me to understand my own desire to have as many children as my body, my wife, and my wallet can.

I remember when my son was born, and how my mind was flooded with things that I couldn't wait to teach him. The ability and responsibility to form and shape his young mind, seemed like an awesome opportunity to "live again" so to speak.

But I digress. Back to my subject of the day. My little princess. Along with the state of euphoria I've been feeling, there is yet another equally powerful depressive feeling that has arisen in me. The yang, to my yin is based in the encounters with women I've met throughout my life.

When I got to college, and began interacting with more women I began to get more and more knowledge about their secret lives. By "secret" I mean the mental and physical suffering some of them had experienced. The stories were so unbelievable to me, to think of all the things a man would do to a woman. And for the most part there was nothing they could do to protect themselves. That incenses me, and at the same time depresses me.

I have to, from jump, adopt a pro-active role, of course, but at the same time there is a sense of hopelessness that I have to accept. I long ago resolved to certain things for my own life (death, wealth, poverty, etc.), but to have to do that for your children is something I wasn't prepared for. It's not something I want to have to do. But I know that I have to for my own sanity.

I think educating myself on the subject will prove to help bring me out into the "light". So, I've decided to go to the library and check out some books on dealing and coping with raising girls. Allah Christmas

But alas in this "Cold, Cold World" we live in, and I'm going to have to remember that.


If you have ideas on this please share. Peace.


nikki said...

i'm glad you're taking a proactive approach towards the raising and shaping of your daughter. i think your presence in her life will be the fortitude she needs when she steps out into the world to finally deal with men. they a girl's first love is her father. with that in mind, your example is important in that it will be the first she sees and she will have that image in the back of her mind when she finally chooses her own mate.

Abeni said...

Seems you doing the right thing.The key is to be as involved as you can in her life and let her know that you will be there for her