Thursday, June 01, 2006

"One good thing about music...."

"...when it hits you fell no pain."-- Bob Marley, Trenchtown Rock

As much as I admire and love Bob Marley; As much as I love the relevance and timelessness of his music and message; I'm beginning to see some untruth in this line.

Maybe because Bob recorded Trenchtown Rock in the 70's, years before the "Bling" era of rap music, he probably couldn't find much fault in making such a statement. But, my how times have changed. If there's anything that's causing me pain, it has to be music right now. Music playing on the radio right is killin' my spirit right now, and the fact that my CD player is not working properly, i'm kinda in a position where i either drink the "kool-aid" or die of thirst.

Since i really ain't down with the mass suicide that today's radio is assisting so many people with, I've been getting familiar with some Country Music.

Quick side note.... did ya'll know there is a country song called "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk"?? Dang, even country music is jackin' hiphop culture!

So I decided to list just a few of the most euthanising songs i've heard:

1. One of the worst is this song called Give me that Pussy (*excuse the language*). With lyrics like--
"...She might go back to the telly(hotel) with me,
Shake her jelly(body) with me,
Let my people bust(ejaculate) on her face and her belly with me..."

and, a chorus that tells women to "Give me that Pussy...", I can see how this can be considered radio friendly.

2. Next, is Gettin' Some Head. Now this song is not nearly as offensive as Give me that Pussy, but it's damn near close. It really just shows us how far backwards music as gone. I remember a time when this song wouldn't get played on the radio because of censorship, or if it was played, it was at the ass-crack of night. Nowadays I wouldn't be surprised to hear some high school band playing this at a football game.

3. Any of the songs that are out, or have been out recently glorifying the "Trap" life. The Trap is new slang for the hood or any drug-ridden, impoverished area. It originates out of the South, but i've heard my homeboy see people in Boston rock t-shirts with "TrapStar" written across them. I really hate the over glorification of criminal behavior that we seem to be constantly bombarding ourselves with. Isn't it bad enough that we call it the "trap"? Doesn't that signify something greater than a neighborhood? Maybe a "rat-trap", or a "mental-trap", and possibly even a "boobie-trap"... in other words, traps are cannot be a good place to be. Because you are then at the will of the "trapper".

Maybe i can't hold it against Brother Bob's famous lyrics, i mean may be it's a logic problem. Music does not cause pain. Some rap causes pain. Some rap is not music. Makes sense to me.

That's it for now. I'm sorry to realize that all the selected material for this post was formulated from the minds of the South. I'm am sure every region plays a part in this spreading of this self-inflicting-mind-deteriorating-culturally-genocidal epidemic, but since this is where i'm at, i have to talk what i know and what i hear.



Brea said...

I stopped listening to the radio years ago and if my stereo wasn't working, I'd rather sit in silence. Why not try listening to public radio? Also, there may be a small station that plays quality music. Don't give in to subjecting yourself to that kind of music!!!

P.S. I think you meant "feel" instead of "fell" in your quote...

Abeni said...

I had the misfortune of hearing that first "song".Felt like having some kool aid myself

VerseOne said...

good look on that typo Brea. i do tend not to listen to those stations, but i know that there are millions of folk who do, and that hurts me more than anything.



Anonymous said...

I rarely listen to the radio.

I was too through when I heard a song called "Some Cut".
"What it is Hoe. What's up
Can a playa just get in those

VerseOne said...

Southern, to actually rewrite what you her on the radio is traumatic in itself.

ah skeet, skeet...
