Wednesday, June 28, 2006

"Closer to my dreams..."

First off... i appreciate all those who were able to respond to my previous post discussing what you would do if you knew you had 24 hours to live. i now know who my real friends are... just jokin.

"Closer".... that's the name of this song by this very powerful singer by the name of Goapele. I only recently discovered her music, but since i found it i've been shouting her out to everyone i know. Her music is very inspiring, and i find it really soothing. In the song Closer she drops lines like:
"Closer to my dreams,
Feel it all over my being,
Close your eyes and see what you believe..."
I tend to search for the metaphysical relationship of the stuff i read,write, or listen to. So when i heard these lines i was instantly affected by them. i saw a need for me to stop looking for my next move and just close my eyes and use my "mind's eye" to guide me. i used to be more in tuned with my surroundings, but in more recent times i got away from trusting myself on alot of things immediately around me. I've gotten better at it lately, hence my desire to write more poetry, which has always been a love of mine.
But yeah, i definitely implore you all to find that which affects and infects your soul with positivity. And if you know what that is... please share, you never know what your words may do for another.
Each one teach one...


Abeni said...

I believe I can fly does it for me-so too World's Greatest

Rashan Jamal said...

Goapele is tight, no doubt. I don't think i've ever taken the time to really check her lyrics like that, but I'm gonna do that now.

josie said...

lol. hey, i take offense to that statement. in my defense, it took me 24hrs to try to think of something but i grew a blank.

Meadow said...

I'm trying so hard to fill my life with those things that bring me the most peace and joy. Somedays it's harder than others.

brwn_eyes_brwngirl said...

I love Goapele..I'm glad you found her, both ablums are great and speak on so many different things. Like you I told everyone I knew about her after hearing the song "Closer" as it is a great song. As for words, I always say, love self first, if you can't love yourself how can you love others. and love is the universal language, that's why it is the only thing in the bible great enough to have it's own chapter and constantly appears everywhere.

peace & love :)

The Brown Blogger said...

Brother I love Goapele, since day one she struck me as a performer and writer that put it together in a way that has inspired me to get it going.

As far as getting happy, it takes faith and your ability to step out on it. Selflessness is a nother factor just as G eluded to, but remember to put The Creator first. You'll be giuded the right way.

And keep the poetry coming. It expresses what's in your soul.

VerseOne said...

i appreciate ya'll sharing...

abeni- that song used to do it for me as well.

the bible also has alot of good information in it. i think the acronym of B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) fits its importance and potential.
