Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Questions Pt. 3

Hello all! I know you've all been waiting to see what other Verses lay in the mind of me. now that i look at that past line, it sounds kinda corny, forgive me. But yeah, here a few more things that have entered my mind lately and have not left yet so i'll share, but i ask that ya'll share as well. Like i always say "each one, teach one" so take me to school. Aight?

Why is a new Georgia law about to make it open season on shooting Black males?

Well, Georgia has gone the way of several other states like, Texas, Florida, and Louisiana, with a new "Shoot First Law". Notice that these all happen to be southern states? Well what the law basically says is that; if you feel "threatened" by another person, whether your in you home, car, or any public place, you have the legal right to discharge your firearm into the "threatening person" without the fear of prosecution. This law will require people to no longer avoid confrontation, or seek refuge when confronted with a "threatening" character.
Okay let's define "threat". Now, after thinking about who I've ever really considered a threat to my persons, and my mind began to click. Click, click, click. Then i realized i've never felt my life threatened. Not even the time i was standing in a gas station while it was being robbed. And then I thought on the greater scale, who are the biggest, or the perceived biggest, threats in Georgia, or any other state. Black Men! So from my deductive reasoning, i basically take this law to say that, "white people. you no longer have to cross to the other side of the street when you see a group or "gang" of Black Men walking towards you!" I could be wrong, but in the next few years i'm expecting to hear of a lot more cases of justifiable homocide.
What do ya'll think? Am i just stuck in "black thought", or do you think this is a likely scenario?


For more info on the law click here . Peace Out!


cupcake27 said...

that is dead wrong but you know if one of us tries to shoot whitey then they will say that we should not have been threatened it was just you average joe!!

VerseOne said...

i know. i can't REMEMBER never being scare of a white dude. and i work in middle georgia!


nikki said...

i said it then and i'll say it again...this law STINKS. i agree that it gives justification to any person out there who feels "threatened" by just the EXISTENCE of a black man in their space. i mean, there is no universal definition for the term "threat". i could feel "threatened" by an ant crawling up my sneaker.

because it's such a subjective thing, this law could really end up jacking alot of black men up. unfortunately it don't take much for white folk in georgia to feel threatened by black men. it'll be interesting to see how this law affects the homicide rate of black men in georgia.

VerseOne said...

i agree Nik. and iit applies to all people in the threatening gang.
so if i'm rollin with my home boy and he looks threatening, then the threatened person can shoot me too! WTF is up with that!!??


Nika Laqui said...

Thanks for the info and thanks for pissing me off. Becaue we all know that law is one-sided....if niggas went around shooting honkies that law would no longer exist. But its like they are saying hey shoot every nigga out there,cause we all know white people feel "threthned" whenever they see blacks....
Since you are in GA, you should try to petion that bill if its not too late...

Brea said...


Abeni said...

Sounds really scary and could be a recipe for mayhem.

VerseOne said...

Abeni, that's what i think also, but we'll see. i haven't been able to look at the statistic from the laws use in other states, but i plan to soon.

Issiata said...

Sounds like lynching for the new millennium to me. And as usual, these kinds of bills are pushed through the legislature quiet as kept until it's made into a law. This is definitely some bullshit. I also makes me wonder if this has cropped to deter the reverse flight of northern blacks the the south...hmmm...