Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"Mic check...1, 2, testing..."

Mic checks. This topic came to me after reading some other blogs in recent days, and some of my own reflections of college life.

The thought of getting your mic checked initially grew out of the rumors, and tales that spread through most high schools. There is always alleged incidents of girls checkin' some dude on the bus, or in the dugouts on the baseball field, or the back of the class during a film strip. Mostly these were rumors and locker room stories, but the act intrigued me nonetheless.

I was primarily intrigued because, even though I was no longer a virgin, the thought that my enjoyment of a sexual act was dependent upon the knowledge, skills and abilities of the chic performing it, was like heaven(to a 15 year old kid). I could actually just sit/stand/lay there and just enjoy. It was like your birthday or something, getting a present without having to recipricate (well not back then anyways).

"Mig-gity microphone masters..."

So what did I do? I began actively persuing those chics who were known to dabble in the felatiotic (i'm sure i just made that word up) arts. And those chics who had "DSL's, that would make a nigga dick swell." But to no avail. Although I did smash several of them, I wasn't getting the mic check.

It wasn't until senior year high school that I got my first lick on the tip, and that was the greatest 2.5 seconds of my young adult life.

I also had a complex that I discovered shortly after those 2.5 seconds... I don't think I want to kiss a chic who gives head. Funny now. Serious then.

I left high school, got to college and eventually dated. Now my first girlfriend, who had the "DSL's" i mentioned earlier had never "gone down" on a dude before, which i believed. So I began thinking that my chances of ever getting "mine" were close to zero. I even began "taking a trip downtown" just to increase my odds. Funny now. Serious then.

But all my waiting, my 8 years of sexual activeness without orals drought, my subtle suggestions, and guilt trips ended. One early morning the weekend before Final exams my life was changed for the better. I recieved at that point my greatest gift of all. It was definately all that I had hoped. Happy Birthday to Me!


"...Microphone checka, one two checka" --- Das EFX

(oh yeah. chic in the photo. i don't know her, and i apologize if you are offended by the use of your picture for purposes of discussion.)


nikki said...


'It wasn't until senior year high school that I got my first lick on the tip, and that was the greatest 2.5 seconds of my young adult life.'

i don't know whether to laugh, cry, or buy you a ham sammich for this one.

'I also had a complex that I discovered shortly after those 2.5 seconds... I don't think I want to kiss a chic who gives head. Funny now. Serious then.'

that's the truth! alot of guys still feel that way.

VerseOne said...

that first "lick" was exactly that. just a lick. she didn't want to do anymore.
oh yeah i don't eat the po'k meat.

muffins gone WILD! said...

funny story!!! oral sex is THE BEST!!!!!

POPS said...

word. i can get with this. senior year of high was a good time. interestingly enough, the only r kelly songs i like are the ones he did with BIG.

Sherlon Christie said...

Interesting story.