Wednesday, August 30, 2006

60 words....

I got the inspiration for this story from Ms. Abeni. She did a great job at it, so I thought I'd pass it forward and also attempt this myself.

So all my fellow writers and exciters take up the challenge and let me know what you all create.


A Gunshot rang. Crimson tides flowed like magma down the path of least resistance. This path had brought two souls, and one lead projectile together. The ease which the gun came into the victors hand, the tearing through the air, the fabric of the victims shirt and skin and organs, the absence of parental guidance, all walked this same path.


Now.... every body do this... i don't wanna have to call names. Peace my pretty people.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Wheel it back selecta....

This is a replay of my first ever blog post. I felt it was appropriate to rebroadcast it.


I seem to recall an incident involving the water, racism and people dying before. I can't remember if it was a movie, or a sit-com, or perhaps a PBS special... Hmmmm........Now I remember, it was around 1927 and Jim Crow was still around doing his "thang", you know disenfranchising the Negroes. Well, what seems to have happened was that a bunch of leaders in the Delta area(encompassing the southern Mississippi Valley), realizing that at some point in future they could potentially, which would possibly decimate the city of Greenville, MS, and a lot of the surrounding farm land. Well, these officials decided it would be necessary to take action, and immediately began construction on a series of levees that would safeguard the residence against any natural disasters. Being that this was going to be a large scale project, and very labor intensive, the powers that be felt Negroes would be best suited for the job. You know with their "laziness" and all. So they pulled together all the Negroes they could to handle the job, making them work long hours for little pay. On top of that all those opposing the hard labor practices, and considering leaving, were threatened with force... This is 1927, several years after the Emancipation Proclamation, but I digress.So we have Blacks working on the levee system, for low pay, and the threat of death. We have racism. All we need now is.... A Disaster, correct.In late 1926, early 1927, as Herbert Hoover sat in the White House, rain began to pound the Mid-West states. This was significant, because all the rain would eventually travel down to the Gulf of Mexico, via the Mississippi River. So, as this event began to take shape, residence on the Delta Valley were urged to leave the homes for higher ground. Some did, some didn't, what else is new... But some, couldn't. These people were called "Negroes." Well, what happened was, that some smart white people knowing that after the disaster was over, rebuilding would have to take place. So why let the "lazy" people go, when more than likely they wouldn't come back. So with the threat of force, and maybe killing a few of them just to show you mean it, the Negroes were told to stay.There's a lot more to the story but, there isn't a good ending. Negro = Disenfranchisement, is the moral of the story.And, sure this isn't exactly what happened in Louisiana, but it can give a lot of perspective on the mentality of both racial groups.

Monday, August 21, 2006

3 seconds in a life series...

I decided to write a "3 seconds in the life" poem. Hopefully i can write a series of them.. who know's.

....Suicide Bomber....

No time to freeze,
only time to breathe,
i feel the stretch of my cotton tee,
as i start to... heave,
then relieve
my body of what it no longer needs.
it's only purpose now is to
feeds the flames,
make the bangs go boom,
seal my fate and seal their doom.
destroy some live, make the news.
the shit is bigger than religion,
i gives a fuck about the Jews.

i am the means,
i don't need to see the ends
my plans to build and destroy
some of these institutions.
so when this act
brings forth revolution,
and inspires some solution
to this population pollution,
while contributing to the eradication
of an education system that
that does little for edification,
and nothing for the black nation.

you will all witness this demolition
of our government through the extradition
of these self-preserving politians,
lining their pockets with our pensions.

but, what about the innocent,
are they guilty through their ignorance?
couldn't i just reach out,
and try to grab their common sense?
then again, fuck their misdirected allegiance,
treating this government
like it deserves reverence.
while we lack relevence.
only given the ghost of freedom
for our lawful adherence, and
showing little resistance
to our powerless existence.

who else will be a soldier for the war of independence
and hold these truths as evidence...?
as i utter my last words...
"Good-bye Mr. President".


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Fast ForWORD

I have been away from my words for a whil now. Its not so much that i'm not inspired to write, it's more that I haven't need to.

I experience these emotion every other month or two. I guess its my equivilent to the PMS or somethin'.

I decided to post some blasts from the past. These are just a couple of reminders of how far we have come, and how far we need to go. Also reminders on how much some people wanted to see us dead.

And my personal favorite...

Did Ice Cube just say "get your girl in the mood quicker, get your jimmy(penis) thicker..."? Wow and these were on regular TV back in the day.
